Month: December 2010

  • Top 12 Strengths TCKs Possess

    Whenever TCKs move into another culture, they become very good, objective observers. They’re like cultural sponges. Those skills translate into ideal requirements for combating racism and advancing social and refugee work. —Norma McCaig

  • “God is a Genius”

    William and Trey and their video are finalists in Sierra Trading Post’s “Share Your Adventure” video contest.

  • End of Year Giving

    I know some of you who read this may have some money that you’re trying to get into the hands of non-profits by the end of the year so you can reap the rewards of generosity by April 15, 2011.

  • Barbies, God, and Money

    I was a pretty normal little girl. I loved horses more than just about anything, but I also went through a Barbie phase.

  • Home Alone

    My heart broke as I pondered my former student’s predicament. My heart split a little more as I thought about her high school classmates and how many of them faced a similar situation.

  • A Gift Unwrapped

    This year my family is together.

  • Joy!

    Joy! It’s all around. I just have to choose to see it.

  • God’s Fingerprints

    Learning comes with every new phase of life. Some tasks we learn once and they’re embedded into our muscle memory. Others need constant review.

  • The Peanutbutter Effect

    Food builds bridges. It has the power to soothe your soul and is often coupled nicely with your favorite pair of stretchy pants. It can also cross boundaries, timelines and stereotypes; and yet it also helps to define cultures and people.